Sunday, April 17, 2016

Is the Almighty God a Trinity?

Creepy Much?
If I had I choose a particular Bible subject that I would say I am most educated on it is this. I have spent countless hours researching this idea of a triune god. The teaching that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all equally God but there is only one God. What really strikes me as odd is that this concept is completely counter-intuitive to human thinking. Mind you, we are created in God's image (Genesis 1:27). He would not make us in His image and yet at the same time not give us the ability to fully understand the idea that He is a singular being made up of 3 different persons. Yet, that is just what Trinitarians teach.

(Quick note: According to Dictionary.Com a Trinitarian is "a person who believes in the doctrine of the Trinity." This term encompasses many religions as the Trinity is the central doctrine of many religions. Catholics, Born-Again Christians, Baptists, Presbyterians, Episcopals, etc. are all Trinitarian.)

It is the "mystery" of the Trinity. I could undoubtedly get into the specific scriptures that are manipulated to contain some hint of truth to this man-made doctrine, but that task is rather time consuming. That, and, I have already done that research on my other blog which can be found at The Holey Trinity. I am going over every instance in which the idea of a trinity is incorrectly forced into scripture. I highly suggest you read it, if the Trinity is something you have been told is scriptural. It goes far more in-depth than I will be going with this entry.

With this blog, I am going to address the Trinity from a different perspective. While The Holey Trinity focuses on correcting the mistakes Trinitarians make in interpretation, I'm going to focus here more on why we know it's not true based on explicitly stated scripture, reasonableness, and common sense. 

First thing I want to point out is the main difference between Jews and Christians. This difference is the acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah. The Pharisees and Sadducees rejected Jesus as the Son of God. Followers of Jesus, Christians, did not. This was the main point of contention between them in Biblical times. The thing that they both had in common was this: They believed in one singular entity as the Almighty God. The idea of a triune was nowhere to be found in either groups belief system. The very thought was blasphemous because it was known at the time that the teaching of a triune god existed among the pagans of ancient Babylon.

"Not only did the ancient Babylonians have the major trinity of Anu, Enlil, and Ea, but they worshiped more than one trinity of gods." - Sir E. A. Wallis BudgeBabylonian Life and History

It was unspeakable that the one true God share that similarity with the false gods of Babylon. This was made abundantly clear with the Hebrew "She'ma": 

"“Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah."" - Deuteronomy 6:4

So in reality the God that both the Jews and Christians worship is the same God. The Jews did not and to this day do not worship a triune God. A true Christian would know that and worship that same God. The difference being the acceptance of Jesus as Christ as the Messiah. If you pay attention to the way Jesus was spoke of and the way God was spoke of you would know that the Bible writers also viewed them as separate and not the same. Jesus was ALWAYS spoken of as subordinate to his God and Father. It is repeated thoroughly that Jesus had a God whom he worshiped. The Almighty God worships no one. There is no one worthy of worship from the Almighty God.

In the American Standard Version of the Bible there are 13 instances where the phrase the "God and Father" occurs when in reference to Jesus. For the people who claim that the Father was Jesus' God while Jesus was in human form not only does that not make sense, but all 13 of these occurrences are used AFTER Jesus ascended to heaven. At which time he is seated at "the right hand of God". Which brings up another interesting point. Every time it is mentioned that Jesus will be "seated at the right hand of God" it is NEVER written as "seated at the right hand of the Father". Not once. It is ALWAYS Jesus being seated at the "right hand of God". Tell me, how can God be seated at the right hand of God? Are the inspired Bible writers trying to confuse us? Make their writings difficult to comprehend? I would think not. The way Trinitarians view this very important detail is using what is called equivocation. Read what Wikipedia says that means:

"Equivocation ("to call by the same name") is an informal logical fallacy. It is the misleading use of a term with more than one meaning or sense (by glossing over which meaning is intended at a particular time). It generally occurs with polysemic words (words with multiple meanings)."

Essentially, what is done is those who teach/believe in the Trinity are "glossing over" the fact the Bible says Jesus is at the right hand of God and not as Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father. That is NOT what is written, that is NOT what it says. Because Trinitarians believe that Jesus was God, came to earth as a human, then ascended back to heaven to be God once again the fact that he is sitting at the right hand of God makes that doctrine nonsensical. God can not be sitting at the right hand of himself! Now, if we understand Jesus's role in God's Kingdom, creation, and in heaven this idiom makes perfect sense to apply to him! As Jehovah's "right hand" man Jesus is "a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose". It is no coincidence that Jesus fulfills the role of Jehovah's "most valuable assistant"! That, is the truth friends!

Now let's take a look at how Jesus thought of and spoke about God. 

"This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ." - John 17:3

Now let's break this verse down to truly understand how Jesus viewed himself and God. He is in the process of praying to his Father, only one person of the alleged 3-person God. Jesus point outs very specifically that "you" [his Father, Jehovah] is the "only true God". The word "only" is key in this. The Greek word used here is "monos". Strong's Greek Lexicon defines this word as meaning "alone" (without companion). Other uses in the KJV are "alone" and "by one's self". There is nothing about the way Jesus views God that would indicate ANYTHING other than his Father ALONE is God. He does not include himself or the Holy Spirit in this. He does not say "we, the only true God". He actually goes on to grammatically exclude himself from being part of the only true God by saying "and Jesus Christ". If Jesus, the Son, and his Father were the same God there would be absolutely no reason for Jesus to continue to say that people must know BOTH of them to obtain everlasting life. He would merely say we would only need to know the true God because saying that would include himself - if Jesus was implying he were also God. This verse provides no doubt that Jesus considered himself to be completely different and separate from the one whom he, himself, considered to be the "only true God" - his Father, Jehovah.

Following this line of reasoning that Jesus's Father is the only true God, we know that God is Almighty. There is no one more powerful or "higher" than this God Jesus spoke of.

"May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth." - Psalm 83:18

Notice how well these scriptures fit? Jesus calls his Father the ONLY true God. His Father is Jehovah. Jehovah is ALONE the Most High. Wouldn't it make sense that the ONLY true God would also be ALONE the Most High? To even further this point if Jesus were Jehovah (as Trinitarians think) then logically Jesus would also have to be the Most High. Is Jesus ever called the Most High? Nope! Of course not. But read what he is called:

"He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David" - Luke 1:32

He is called the SON of the Most High, which would make him not the Most High, but the Son of the Most High. The son of a King is not a King. Also interesting in the verse is the persons being talked out about. Trinitarians would have to view it through the prism that the Son of the Most High is Jesus and this other person called "the Lord God" is also Jesus (because Jesus is the Lord God). But let's replace these titles with the personal name of the one they are attributed to by Trinitarians.

"He shall be great, and shall be called JESUS: and JESUS shall give unto him [Jesus] the throne of his [Jesus's] father David"

Does that make sense? Does it make sense for Jesus to give himself the throne? Of course not. Clearly "the Lord God" is speaking of a different being in this instance. But who? Well with the exception of the 4 times Jehovah's name appears in the Hebrew Scriptures in the King James Version, anytime His name appears as "Jehovah God", for instance:

"Blessed be Jehovah God, the God of Israel, Who only doeth wondrous things" - Psalm 72:18

In the King James Version it reads as follows:

"Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things."

So, when the phrase "Lord God" appears it always replaces "Jehovah God" and NEVER refers to Jesus. Additionally, the Bible tells us who actually gives Jesus the throne!

"Jehovah has sworn to David; He will surely not go back on his word: “One of your offspring, I will place on your throne." - Psalm 172:11

What more proof do you need!? More? Ok, the trinity doctrine teaches that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all God. Let's quickly establish some facts:

" And now, Jehovah, thou art our Father" - Isaiah 64:8 (Darby Translation)

"...thou, Jehovah, art our Father..." - Isaiah 63:16 (Darby Translation)

FACT: Jehovah is the Father.

" that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you alone are God, O Jehovah" - Isaiah 37:20 (NWT)

"...I am Jehovah and there is no one else. I alone am God." - Isaiah 45:6 (Living Bible)

FACT: Jehovah ALONE is God.


With these truths established the entire Bible MUST be interpreted in a way that those the facts remain true! They cannot be altered to fit a doctrine or a belief. That would be dishonest and show a true reliance on the commands of men and not God's word. Nothing changes these facts.  Do yourself a favor and accept them and keep reading this blog. 

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